Sarah Almehairi | Commission

Line Up the Sun | Sarah Almehairi for Gucci, Dubai, UAE

Line Up the Sun is a text based installation consisting of language and light. Deriving from Almehairi’s prominent use of language in her practice, both formally and visually, she centers

the themes of time and self through the nature of light in this work.


Almehairi examines light, particularly its measurable rhythmic elements, using the lens of “the day” to create a connection between the amount of light and the discovery, awareness, and

exploration of oneself. How does one align themselves to the sun? In the margins of sunlight, she measures rhythmand finds mindful reflection a meditative practice.


Illuminating one's mind and enhancing one's journey of self-exploration, Line Up the Sun begins to create a dialogue between shifts, reflection, and realization of the artist’s thoughts—

they are to be shared and interpreted familiarly by their multiple meanings.


Line up the sun

Fall under the light

Align yourself in its/your thoughts

March 21, 2024
of 158