Michael Sailstorfer | Group Exhibition

Shared Spaces | Kunsthalle Barmen, Germany

The opening exhibition "Shared Spaces" challenges the museum space and moves it into the urban space. The artistic works open up spaces for shared experience and empowerment, for irritation and reflection. The exhibition moves in the field of tension between social cohesion and the feeling of being thrown back on oneself, between identity formation, speechlessness and the questioning of social norms and rituals. It is an invitation to explore the strengths of communities and to meet each other anew. The invited artists include: Sonja Alhäuser, Baltic Raw Org, Paul Budniewski, Common Ground, Antje Engelmann, Heiner Franzen, Ivana Franke, Alfredo Jaar, Rita McBride, Laure Prouvost, Isaac Chong Wai and Raul Walch.

October 18, 2024
of 158