Gil Heitor Cortesão | Group Exhibition

Linha de Maré. Coleção do CAM | Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
«Linha de Maré» starts from the Revolution of April 25, 1974 to arrive at the present day, reflecting on the revolutions underway, especially those related to the planet.

Organized around large installations, the exhibition is defined by the rhythm they create and the connection they establish with other works in their vicinity.


These installations correspond, in a fluid way, to a set of ideas that framed the choice of works: transgression (in relation to the Portuguese dictatorship), manifesto (the first Portuguese artistic ecological manifesto), interiority (of the experience proposed by the work), mutation (technological, post-human) and evocation (of a real connection with the living world).


Most of the contemporary works present dialogue with a selection of modernist works, illustrating the temporal breadth of the CAM collection and creating lines of tension between the different periods it covers. 


The title of the exhibition is inspired by a work by Hamish Fulton, Tide Line (1994-2005), which welcomes the public even before entering the gallery, and evokes the line where two currents meet on the high seas.


The idea of ​​this organic confluence is transversal to all the titles, representations, concepts and emotions that the selected artists worked on. This powerful idea can also be used to talk about nature, people's inner lives, imposed borders, destruction and revolutions.


The museographic design, conceived by the Diogo Passarinho studio, is based on a concept developed by the CAM curatorial team, which aims to transform the conventional gallery space into an organic place where the relationship with the living world is rescued and questioned.


Of the approximately 80 works on display, many are recent acquisitions never before presented at CAM, by artists such as Mónica de Miranda , Filipa César , Graça Pereira Coutinho  and Paulo Nozolino . Artist Gabriel Abrantes presents a new video work commissioned by CAM for this exhibition. Linha de Maré includes works in painting, drawing, film and video, photography, sculpture and installation.

September 21, 2024
of 156