Anahita Razmi | Group Exhibition

ARCHIVED RUPTURES - RUPTURED ARCHIVES | Galerie Karin Sachs, Munich, Germany

Olga Bubich, Parastou Forouhar, Jeanno Gaussi, Anahita Razmi, Franziska Windolf


To explore the role of ruptures in archives, the open exhibition lab highlights processes of radical change and dis:continuity in archives and private collections. Understanding ruptures as ‘a moment at which value emerges through a break’ (Holbraad, Kapferer and Sauma 2019), artists and activists will present their work with archives and collections, archived objects, and materials (e.g. sound files, documents, films, photographs, textiles, etc.) to show a variety of ruptures and their impacts on alternative histories, memory production, community building and resistance.

Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect at LMU Munich, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research

November 29, 2024
of 158